Double Materiality Assessment

Learn everything you need to know about the DMA and find the right partner to become compliant.

A quick introduction into the DMA

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Every company that must comply with the CSRD are required to do a Double Materiality Assessment (DMA).

The DMA is an annual assessment, but many experts recommend to only update the DMA every year and only do a fully new assessments every couple of years.

Here are two interviews dealing with the topic.

Using the DMA for strategy - with Samuil Simeonov
Tips for a Double Materiality Assessment with Jens Verhiest from Karomina
Making a DMA look easy with Verneri Laakkonen

Here is a list of answer

Here is a list of free material

Move to Impact-Materiality-Analysis
By reading "Move to Impact-Materiality-Analysis" you will learn what a materiality analysis is and why it’s important for businesses to understand their impact on the world. You will also learn the steps involved in conducting a materiality analysis and the benefits it can bring to your business.
Codio Impact Double materiality assessment blueprint
A quick overview of the different steps of the DMA.
EFRAG DMA Implementation Guidance
Code Gaia-Ansatz zur Doppelten Wesentlichkeit

Find the right partner

Demystifying CSRD. A utopian image of two skyscrapers.

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Image of report auditing.