Möbius – a Ghent University spin-off – is an international group of business consultants. Since 2000, Möbius has been supporting organisations in the transition from a linear value chain into more circular and sustainable variants. We have executed more than 500 projects within industrial companies, governmental agencies and collective take-back organisations across Europe. The changing economic and social environment in which our sectors operate, triggers a high need for durable business and positive social impact. That’s why we, with the Möbius Circular Economy & Sustainability team, strongly believe in and actively want to contribute to the shift towards a sustainable market. Our vision of the future is one of a market functioning in a circular way, driven by innovation, with a shortened value chain and closed loop of materials and knowledge as a standard. An ecosystem going beyond a single organsiation’s boundaries, expanding thanks to collaboration with other players, and permanently reinforced by the exchange with clients and stakeholders. Möbius Circular Economy & Sustainability has built up a strong expertise concerning circular economy and its building blocks, together with a strong partner network. We draw from Möbius’ broad experience with resource productivity & supply chain advisory, continuous improvement processes, customer value mapping and employee engagement trajectories.