ESG Book is a global leader in sustainability data and technology. Launched in 2018, the company offers a wide range of sustainability-related data, scoring, and technology products that are used by many of the world’s leading investors and companies. Covering over 25,000 companies, ESG Book’s product offering includes ESG raw data, company-level and portfolio-level scores and ratings, analytics tools, and a SaaS data management and disclosure platform. ESG Book’s solutions cover the full spectrum of sustainable investing including ESG, climate, net-zero, regulatory, and impact products. Through our SaaS data management and corporate disclosure platform, ESG Book enables clients to assess over 50,000 corporate disclosures, with solutions delivered through the API technology for seamless integration. ESG Book’s platform makes sustainability data more widely available and comparable for market stakeholders, enabling companies to be custodians of their own data, providing framework-neutral ESG information in real-time, and promoting transparency.